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Tales of the Bounty Hunters


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Well this is the new site. Groovy isn't it? The old site was going a bit stale due to lack of regular updates so I decided to make an entirely new site design to revamp it. There should now be more regular updates on this site. Well, I say should 'cause you know what will happen, after a while it'll just get too difficult to update and the site will go stale again. Anyway back to the blog. As you can imagine I haven't done much since college ended either in the looking for work area or the going on holiday venture. I'm still working in Club Mexx though which is exciting as ever. Well it's actually not that bad. The worst thing about it is the ass holes that we sometimes have to deal with. In other stuff there's not much else happening. I think there's a plan to go away for a few days next week so that should be cool but nothings confirmed yet. I've also found this cool on-line comic which is based on the first Monkey Island game and can be found here. Definitely check it out if you're a fan of the game.

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