So I've got a new job at GAME here in Monaghan. Cool stuff looking at computer games all day, talking to people about games, generally looking round the store like a headless chicken. It's still the awkward phase of the job, the part where you have to ask loads of questions in order to do anything useful. I think I'm gonna like it there, I just have to find me boots. So to honour this new job the site has gone all purple (that's one thing I like about the new design, it doesn't take much to change the color scheme).
Graduation is taking place this Friday and I can't wait. I've already got my suit and I'm going up on Thursday to get my gown and to go out for a few scoops. I'm determined not to get too drunk and be sick as a dog on Friday morning. I've yet to organise accommodation for the folks yet, doing that tomorrow.
Christopher Reeve died yesterday and it's a great loss. I loved the Superman movies when I was younger and I guess I still do. We had taped versions of Superman II and Superman III and I used to watch them all the time. I'm gonna have to buy those DVD's now, Thanks for the memories.