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Tales of the Bounty Hunters


Old BlogBirthdayWork

I've finally done it! After three and a half years (exactly) I've left Club Mexx at the Four Seasons Hotel. My last night working was last Saturday night and it was a bit strange. I only really thought about it being my last night when people reminded me. Then I had a huge smile on my face because I knew that Saturday nights will be my own from now on. I will miss the craic though, the abuse and the work I wont. From now on it's just GAME that I'll be working in.

So another Christmas is over us. Not much happened that was very exciting but we all had a good time. It was my sister's 21st and 18th birthday party which was the only time that I really went out, the other time being the GAME staff party. I got absolutely loaded at the party though. I can't really remember much about the house afterwards. Still it was a good night.

My friend Vinnie has just come back from America sporting a brand new Nintendo DS and I have to say I'm very impressed. I may just get one when they're finally released here. I already have a PS2 so I don't think I'll be getting a PSP.

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