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Star WarsOld BlogGaming

Just 11 days until Episode III and this may be my last post until I've seen the film. That's why we've gone all Episode III in the scheme of the site. I think it looks pretty cool. As it turns out I'm not working next Sunday so I'll be able to relax at home before getting the bus down. It's going to be class.

I've bought a few new games recently. I finally went out and bought 'Half-Life' to see what all the fuss was about. It does seem like a good game so far with lots of jump out of your seat moments but I'll reserve judgement for now. 'Sim City 4' seems like a cool game. I used to play 'Sim City 2000' but this version is a lot different and will take some getting used to. 'World Championship Snooker 2005' is a good game too. We've been playing the 2004 version at work for the last few weeks and this is just a step up from it. You can't make those impossible shots any more so positioning is all the more important. I haven't played 'Starcraft' yet although I used to have a demo of it years ago and it looked promising.

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