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Tales of the Bounty Hunters


Star WarsOld BlogGaming

So the PSP launch went well. It wasn't nearly as hectic as I thought it would be. I'm still not totally convinced that it's a must have machine. When 'GTA Liberty City Stories' comes out though I may change my tune. We all went out on Saturday night as a farewell party to Gemma. We started off in McKennas then to the Pig for our meal then the Shamrock and finally the Westenra. It was a great night and now I can't wait until the staff party for Christmas.

I finished 'Medal of Honor Pacific Assault' today too. It was okay but some of the areas were a bit too annoying to get through and your squad were pretty useless.

I bought a new phone last Monday, I wanted one that was going to last a bit longer than one phone call. It's a Nokia 3220 and it seems to be working so far.

The Episode III DVD will be released on the 1st of November which is the same day as Star Wars Battlefront II on the PS2. That'll be a good day then.

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