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Tales of the Bounty Hunters


Old BlogBirthday


Well it was Nikki's 21st last weekend and what an eventful night. The GAME crew met up in the Pig for a drink before getting a Taxi out to Nikki's house where she was having her party. We were all having a nice quiet night before Adam decided to show us how good he was on the Wii. Granted he beat me hands down on the bowling but when we moved onto the baseball disaster happened. On his very first swing the Wii controller hit the pint glass in his other hand and broke it, smashing it into tiny pieces. We all laughed but Adam wasn't too impressed. After the Rayman cake and food (including Pizza D'or pizza) we left for the Forum. It was a good night but I couldn't drink because I had to work the next day. Still good craic was had by all.

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