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Tales of the Bounty Hunters

Bangkok 11/06/2007


Messing in SubWay with Steve

So we're still in Bangkok but it's our last night so we're sampling the different aspects of the city. The night before we met up with this English guy called Steve, he was cool. He was on a very long trip over all of Europe and into Asia and he met up with us on the way. He brought us to this club where Landers became a minor celebrity just because of his height!!! Those Thai women/men love the tall men!!

The way we met with Steve was a bit random. We were sitting in our usual pub in Bangkok and he came up to us and said that he was travelling on his own and would we mind if he joined us. I was a bit suspicious at first but we said that he could come and have the craic with us anyway. He turned out to be a really top bloke and he showed us where the SubWay was near Khao San Road so I'll forever be in his debt.

Duff and Landers

So last night we went to Patpong a district of Bangkok, which is comparable to the red light district of Amsterdam, only worse. Or so I'm reliably told. So we went down with the most innocent of intentions but we got sucked into the more seedier sides of the city!!! We got out alive, some more alive than others, but we survived!!! Sweets and Ali

This was the night that we got fleeced by a taxi driver who said that there wasn't anywhere to eat in Patpong. So we got into a taxi near our hotel and asked to be taken to Patpong. Then we decided that we'd need something to eat. So we said to the driver take us to a restaurant near Patpong. What's that there's nowhere to eat in Patpong, ok then take us to a restaurant on the way. He then takes us to some god forsaken place, no doubt miles from Patpong, where we finally get something to eat. He then waits outside to take us finally to our original destination. And what's the first thing we see? A frickin' McDonalds. So essentially we paid double for our taxi fare and went to a restaurant that we didn't need to go to. It was the only time that we were really ripped off though so I guess it wasn't too bad. We spent most of that night in an Irish bar, to escape the crap on the streets. And Sweets decided to order the gayest drink on the menu :D.

Bee and Sweets

So tonight was an exercise in restraint!! We went out for a few beers and then a few more. We met up with Marks mate from college, the Duffman, and his mate so we spent the evening recalling tales from times gone by!!!

The mate tuned out to be Ali, by the way. I just couldn't remember his name at the time.

So tomorrow we're heading to Sydney to start the next 50 weeks of our holiday. Should be cool. We're planning on staying in Sydney for a few days to get our feet but hopefully we won't stay there for too long!!

Stuff happens, Paddy.

Bangkok 11/06/2007
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