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Tales of the Bounty Hunters

Monaghan 28/12/2007


Charlotte and the crib

So this will be the last post from Monaghan for a while. We're about to go down to Dublin to catch our flight at 4.20 PM and we'll hopefully be back in Sydney by the 30th. We had a nice relaxing Christmas, it was good to have all the family here for it. Christmas Eve Daniel and I went to McKennas for a few Christmas pints, with the lads, after Mass (God I love Mass). Good to catch up with all of them.

This was the first night that I'd ever been out with Daniel to the pub and it was a bit strange taking your nephew for pints. We met up with Carlile, Clerkin and Kerr in the pub and Gav, Sorcha and Paul were also out for a few drinks. They were all really surprised that Daniel was so tall and yet still related to me. Nice.

Me and Charlotte

Then of course it was Christmas Day with all the trimmings, turkey and ham and all the veg and then all the presents to open. I got the first series of the Thundercats on DVD so I was well chuffed! Boxing day was of course Emmas Birthday so we planned on going to the fancy dress party in the Hillgrove (no Mark fancy dress, not fancy dress). I went as Hugh Hefner by the way.

There wasn't really much to my costume mind you. I just got Dads old dressing gown and a pipe and put a bit of talc in my hair.

Fancy Dress

It was a good idea but unfortunately there were so many people going to the party that we couldn't get in! So then it was back to McKennas where I met up with the lads and we all went to the Forum (sans costume though).

It was a bit unfortunate that we didn't get to the Hillgrove but we still made the most of it in the Forum.


Yesterday Becky was having her party in the house. It was good craic seeing everyone in the house. We then went in to the Forum again, mainly because it was the only place open. It was fairly empty but we all had a good time, at least you could get to the bar!

This was the night that I met up with Pamela and Paula in the Forum too. I can't remember if anyone else was there. We all got home eventually and started playing board games in the front room. Buckaroo was my personal favourite.

So now it's back to sunny, sunny Sydney. I'll certainly be glad to be a bit warmer but it'll be a bit weird to leave for a second time. To everyone I saw in Monaghan, thanks for a great two weeks. If I didn't manage to meet up with you then we'll just have to meet up when I'm finally back for good, in about six months time, give or take. Oh and this'll probably be the last post of 2007 so Happy New Year to everyone.

Bye again, Paddy.

Monaghan 28/12/2007
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