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Tales of the Bounty Hunters

Sydney 21/01/2008


Ally, McHugh and King

Another action packed week comes to a close. Last Wednesday we had another staff get-together. This time the occasion was the Peoplebank and Ambit merger which is happening at the start of February. So this party was a getting-to-know-you exercise with the Ambit people. Free drink = very drunk! Thankfully I didn't hear that Mark was out that night too saying goodbye to Barry and Caroline otherwise I would've been in a much worse state on Thursday morning.

As you can imagine I was quite hungover going to work that morning. Thankfully I was able to function though which was a blessing. I don't think I did much work though!

Me with the Bondi girls

Friday we went to the cinema with the girls. We were going to see 'American Gangster' but it was sold out so we saw 'Cloverfield' instead. Brilliant film, highly recommend it. Great Rom-Com eh Maria? We went drinking in the Junction after that.

As you can imagine Maria didn't appreciate the movie in the same way we did. She said it started off well but when things started blowing up that's when she lost interest. She threatened to take us to see some chick flick that was coming out but thankfully it never happened!

Landers with the Bondi girls

Saturday we went Bowling in Darling Harbour with the gang and met up again in Kings Cross that night. We finally got in to the 'World Bar' after a few attempts over the last few weeks and it's quite nice. Didn't like the $15 cover charge though.

We started off the night with our regular gang but they all went home after a while. We then met up with the Bondi girls and hung around with them for a while. This was also the night where we tried to ruin each others photos by making silly faces in the background. When we were bowling earlier in the day we had split up into two lanes and in our lane King was winning all the way through. In the last two throws I had to get three strikes in order to overtake him and, quite unbelievably to me and everyone else watching, I managed it and beat him by two or three pins. I think that was my highest ever total at bowling too!


Sunday Myself, Mark and Craig went to watch Sydney FC play Melbourne Victory in the A-League. It ended up as a 2-2 draw and it was quite an entertaining match if not the highest quality. We went drinking in the 'Cock and Bull' that night with the extended gang.

The quality was probably equal to bottom of the league Premiership teams or first division teams. It was still worth going to watch and the Melbourne fans were definitely getting in to it. the mighty Juninho was playing for Sydney FC though so that was a bit exciting. I don't think Landers appreciated the match that much though.

So Australia day is next weekend so that'll be a day for the drink. There's supposed to be stuff going on in Darling Harbour so we might go down to that. Oh and Odie is coming back to Sydney on Saturday after her trip up the coast. We'll be able to show her the rest of the city then. Hopefully it'll stop raining though!

Covered in bees, Paddy.

Sydney 21/01/2008
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