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Tales of the Bounty Hunters

Sydney 11/03/2008

RugbyAustraliaSydneySix Nations

King, Sweets and Landers

A bit of an up and down weekend this time. It started out all right, went out for a few drinks on Thursday and Friday with a few of the ones from work. Nothing major though, just a few quiet ones really.

I can't really remember what the few drinks were for though. It might have been Karynnes engagement when we went to the Slip Inn bar. That was pretty good and we couldn't get completely sloshed because of work the next day, although some did try.

Paula, Elaine and Me

Saturday the lads were going to the 'Future Music Festival' which was pretty much all dance music. I stayed at home and watched the Matrix and I found out that the bit in the Matrix with the woman in the red dress was actually filmed in Martin Place and I walk past that fountain every day on my way to work! Was really surprised to see it in the film and now I have an excuse to take a few photos of it.

It was definitely one of those 'oh my God' moments! But seriously cool. Incidentally the same fountain was used in a scene in 'Superman Returns'

That night we went out to watch the rugby. PJ's was packed so we went to Paddy Maguire's on George St instead. It was the first time we'd been in it and it's not a bad pub. Plenty of screens to watch the match, not that it was worth watching in the end anyway! We left the pub as soon as the match was over.

This was the night of the infamous 'I look like a gimp' photo of which I was sure I'd saved from deletion only to be thwarted by the fact that I forgot to put it back on the memory card! You're lucky this time Landers!

Me and Josh

Sunday I was heading to a work boat trip that I'd won in a raffle over Christmas. I was allowed to take someone with me so Paula got the nod. That morning, however, I got word that one of the lads from work had an extra place as he was now going on his own. So that allowed Elaine to tag along as well. It was a really nice day. We went around the Sydney harbour and got to see a speedboat race that was taking place.

The boat trip was really cool. We just sat about, a few got the chance to steer the boat, and others still got into the harbour for a swim. It wasn't the liveliest of companions, I guess I would've preferred some of the younger members of staff to be there too, but it was definitely a great experience.

That night we went out to the Mercantile for a few drinks to finish off the weekend. Next week it's Paddy's day celebrations but I don't think we have any plans yet. It's supposed to be a really good weekend weather wise anyway so plenty of sun cream then!

93 days to go, Paddy.

Sydney 11/03/2008
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