Sydney 15/04/2008
Something I forgot to mention yesterday, I've finally sorted out, and booked, what I'm doing for the next few weeks before I finally come home. So here's the plan for now: I'll be finished work on the 24th of April as the office is moving on that day and there's not much point in going over to the north Sydney office for three days. Then it's about three weeks in Sydney, seeing everything that I'd missed so far. Then on the 16th of May Elaine and I will be heading up to Alice Springs, followed by Maria the next day, for a trip to Ayers rock. We'll stay there until the 19th when we'll head to Perth (Maria will be heading back to Sydney then). Staying in Perth for a few days and see the sights and then head back to Sydney on the 26th of May. The next day we head off to New Zealand (Christchurch to be exact) and that's where we'll be staying for about two weeks. Paula will be joining us around the 30th. Our flight back to Sydney is on the 10th of June and my visa runs out on the 12th so I'll be getting a flight home between those dates. All the flights have been booked but what we actually do is still a bit up in the air. Should be good fun anyway. - And I just realised, I'll be heading to New Zealand on the exact same date that I left Ireland, 27th of May, madness!
58 days to go, 8 days left of work and 31 days until the trip, Paddy.