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Tales of the Bounty Hunters


TotBHNights Out

One of my many photo's, Sonic the Hedgehog

12420 That's how many photographs I have on my PC. They're not all from Australia though, some are from my college days and some other nights out. And they weren't all taken by me either. I've just basically organised all the photos that were on all the DVD's that we collected over the year. So it all comes to about 20gb which is a quarter of my total hard drive. So I decided to buy an external hard drive which should arrive within the next few days. Loads of room for many more photos. I've gone back to using Olympus Master. I updated it and it seems to be working OK now.

So this weekend we were out in the Pig again, Met up with Adam, Shelly, Paula (and her sisters) and Pamela and no they don't live in Glaslough! It was a good night, met some people that I haven't seen in a while and we again tried to sort out Pamela's love life. After the pub we were heading home and we met up with this stag party so we decided to give them some advice on where to go in Monaghan. Our advice was, stick to the Seasons. Crazy bunch a' fellas.

Next day we were going to go and play Rock Band again but Carlile and Bird were down for the weekend so I went out drinking in McKenna's instead. Hadn't seen them in a while so was catching up on the craic like Devaney's recent engagement. It seems to be all weddings for them recently. But that's just the next thing. It used to be 18th's then 21st's, now it's weddings. We went back to Carlile's after that for a few bottles of Stella. Passed out on the couch a few hours after that though.

Still working through the old posts, although I haven't updated any this time. Next week it's the new Star Wars animated Clone Wars movie so will be heading down to Dublin to watch that and it's the Killers in Marlay Park about a week after that. Plus the Premiership is starting again next week. Woohoo!!!


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