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Tales of the Bounty Hunters

Look at the size of that thing

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Look at the size of that thing

There's not much to report from this week. My hand is still in the splint but there's a good bit of movement out of my finger so I'm happy about that. It's not even that sore any more but it is still quite big from the swelling. Also it's starting to scab a bit since I took the bandage off so it's not very attractive looking. Plus doing things with my left hand is starting to do my head in! Just four more weeks to go!

So what did happen this week? Well Edel came home for the first time since May and we all sat in on Friday night and had a Chinese. I think this is the first Friday in a long time that I haven't gone out. I couldn't stay in on Saturday, of course. I headed out to the Pig to meet up with Paula, Pamela, Ciara and Stephanie who were off seeing a play in the Garage Theatre, something about the Butcher Boy. Anyway it was a good night, I got to show everybody the scars on the finger and Stephanie's Adam met up with us too. Mark N was also back from Las Vegas and he came in to meet Pamela so we finally met the guy. The only bad thing about this night was that I missed out on a session in Carliles house as it was Aines Birthday.

Sunday was a quiet enough day. I did head over to Paulas house to watch a DVD, it was 'Dan in Real Life' by the way, which isn't half bad. She came around to the house to pick me up and who should be sitting in the hallway only Mum, so we were caught, if that's the right word for it. Ah well I guess they had to find out sometime.

This weekend should be great craic as I'm heading down to Kilkenny to meet up with a few of the guys from Australia. Paula (no the other one) is heading off on her travels soon so its a chance to see her off, plus it'll be great to catch up with the gang again. Hopefully there'll be loads of photos!


Look at the size of that thing
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