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Tales of the Bounty Hunters

Hi ho, hi ho. It's back to work we go.

TotBHRugbyNights OutHospitalWorkNights InAutumn InternationalsGaming

Yep I've taken the plunge and decided to head back to GAME at least for the Christmas period. Basically I'm going mad at home and I need something to do so a few hours in the shop will hopefully give me that. So that's the major news of the weekend. Friday night we went out to the Pig for a few drinks. It was Me, Paula, Pamela, Stephanie and Johnny. It wasn't a mad night out but Pamela and Steph were just ever so slightly drunk by the end of the night! I also got a shock during the day when my uncle Artie decided to drop in on us and I was still in my PJ's and dressing gown. It was grand though.

Saturday I went into the flat to play Gears of War 2 with Adam. We went to watch Ireland demolish Canada 55 - 0 in the rugby. It was a good match but again Ireland didn't really impress. We watched it in the Pig with Dad and after that we got a carry out and started our marathon gaming session. We managed to get up to act 4 I think, before we finally went to bed at about four in the morning. Sunday, after getting home and having a shower, I was heading over to Stephanie's house for Sunday dinner. A few of Pamela's family were there including wee Ciara and Niamh who took a bit of a shine to me. We also played a bit of pool and Buzz on the PS3. I did beat Sean at the pool which, I later found out, wasn't the best idea I ever had. After that we went back to Paula's house to watch Juno on DVD. We're running out of movies to watch though!!

Monday I was down in Dublin for more Physio. I thought this would be my last trip down but I have to go back in a month. I've given up guessing that it'll be the last time because inevitably it wont. It went well though and I was back in Monaghan today. I just have to concentrate more on my scar massage. Tuesday Adam and I finished Gears of War 2 on hardcore mode. It's a good game but very similar to the first, which I suppose isn't a bad thing. The collision detection is a bit off in some of the levels though, like the big fish thing level. I think we're going to start it on insane mode next.

Love this comic by the way... Ctrl+Alt+Del

It's from Ctrl+Alt+Del, check it out.


Hi ho, hi ho. It's back to work we go.
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