The weekend wasn't too Gorey, geddit?
This weekend we headed down to Wexford to Paula's aunt's house as there was a charity mock wedding taking place and a lot of the McGonnells were going. So on Friday we headed down with Pauric to Gorey. We were all staying in the B&B so we left our bags there and got ready. Adam and Shelly were already there so I was chatting to Adam for a while and then when the girls were ready we got a mini bus to the pub. After getting a bit to eat and a few drinks the wedding itself started. James B was actually the bride and it was very funny when he arrived in the Garda van! Also the ceremony itself was quite funny even if we did miss some of the 'local' jokes.
After that we stayed around drinking and messing. Kevin and Ash had a WKD Blue drinking contest, sort of and there were also a few embarrassing photos being taken. There's one we can't mention but I especially liked Adam's plats in his hair. At the end of the night we headed back to the B&B in the mini bus and had a bit of a singsong. I wowed everybody with my rendition of Human by The Killers. We then played 'Guitar Hero' and 'Scene It' until about three or four in the morning.
Saturday morning I managed to get up for breakfast at about eleven but went to bed soon after that for another lie down. Nearly everyone else went to Arcklow for some shopping. After a while I got up and we had a 'Fifa 09' tournament. Didn't do too well in that mind you. That night we headed into Gorey town for a few drinks and it was freezing in the pub. We didn't head to the nightclub though and just headed home. We had some chips, watched the Toy Show and had a bit of a laugh at the 'Bitches and Hoes'!
Sunday we got up and headed to Elenor's house for a nosy. Then we headed to Louise and James B's house and he has a room dedicated to Star Wars things. He is my new best friend! We then headed home for Stephanie's house. Pauric went home and we got a Montie in town. We headed out to Paula's house to eat it and then just watched TV for a while. I had to go home a bit earlier than usual as the roads were icy and Paula didn't want to be driving in them if they were too bad. All in all though it was a great weekend. Paula was worried that it'd be a bit too traumatic for me but I think everyone went easy on me. I'd definitely head back down tough if they were going back.