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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

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Yes so it's been ages since I've updated and a lot has happened so this will be a long one. The thing is though I won't really be able to remember everything so you'lll have to bear with me. So the last time I updated it was Friday 12th of December so I guess I'll go from there...

Saturday 13th December: We went for a few drinks in the Pig with Stephanie and Adam. Martina joined us a bit later too along with her new man Gerard. I also saw Sorcha and Sinead and was talking to them for a while. After the Pig, who have started opening the doors to the cold in order to clear the bar, we went back to Stephanie's house for a few more drinks.

Sunday 14th December: I stayed in Stephanie's house that night as the frost was quite bad, at least that was Paula's excuse. She was working at eleven so I got a lift home at that stage.

Monday 15th December: I was back in work today and also back playing football in Gortakeegan. I stayed in town after work and got Mum to bring my gear in to me. After the football I stayed in the flat and watched Adam play Animal Crossing on the Wii. It's fairly similar to the DS version. I started getting the flu today too as I felt terrible after the football.

Tuesday 16th December: Didn't do much today that I remember. I think I was probably working but I can't be sure.

Wednesday 17th December: Again not sure what I did today, if anything.

Thursday 18th December: Again I was at work and again I played football in Ballinode. I stayed in town again but this time I was a bit better prepared. I had taken my football gear with me and another change of clothes as we went out to the Pig for a few pints afterwards. It's the first time that the football lads had been out drinking together and it was pretty good. I was still feeling the effects of the flu though and the few drinks really didn't help.

Friday 19th December: I didn't do much today even though I was at work for a few hours. I felt really terrible when I got up and things didn't improve while at work. It also didn't help that Kevin was in for apparently the first time in about two years, which incidentally was the last time that I was working there, so I got a good slagging that he was coming to see me.

Saturday 20th December: Again I felt terrible for most of the day. I spent most of my time in bed with a temperature of 102 degrees. It was especially crap as this was the first weekend since Paula finished her exams and I couldn't go anywhere.

Sunday 21st December: Stayed in bed for most of the day again but at least the temperature had dropped to just over 100 degrees. This was definitely the worst flu that I'd had for years. Usually I#m able to get over them in about a day but this one was persistant.

Monday 22nd December: Had to call in sick to work as I was still feeling bad. The temperature had dropped again to 98 but I wouldn't have been much use in the shop. I also missed a little work get together in the Pig which was crap but there wasn't much I could do about it. I did feel alot better that evening so I was able to go to work the next day.

Tuesday 23rd December: In the morning I had my last physio appointment in Monaghan ever, so I was happy about that. No more trying top keep appointments and I'm happy to say that I never missed one. The finger is improving all the time. It's still quite stiff and a bit sore at times but hopefully it'll continue to get better. I was at work after that for the rest of the day and I've noted that it was a very busy day.

Wednesday 24th December: I wasn't working today so I got to relax at home. Daniel and Ryan came home with the girls and with their friend Ian so we had a full house. Paula also came over to the house to say hello and to exchange presents. It was the first time that She met Becky and Emma along with the boys. We went to Mass that evening and after that I went into McKennas for a few drinks with Landers and Carlile. Daniel, Ryan and Ian also came along and that was the first time I'd ever been out with Ryan. A bit of a Christmas tradition forming there.

Thursday 25th December: I didn't have the best of Christmas Days as I was feeling the effects of the flu still. I felt really tired all day and just wasn't in the mood for any of the festivities. It was the first time that has ever happened to me too so it was doubly annoying. I did get some good presents though. Mostly clothes and smelly stuff but Paula got me a ticket to Neil Delamere in Blaney and I got a Clone Wars DVD from Daniel.

Friday 26th December: Still didn't feel in the best form but I did go out for a few drinks. Daniel and Ian came out with us too and we tried to get into the West but the lads were stopped. So we went to McKennas instead. Paula joined us after a while. Daniel, Ian and Emma all went to the Seasons and all managed to get in which was a bit of a surprise. Paula and I waited outside the West for the rest of her ones and Pamela drove us home.

Saturday 27th December: Didn't do anything special today at all. I knew I was going out on Sunday so I had a quiet night in for once.

Sunday 28th December: I played football with the lads in Ballinode again. It was our Christmas get together and it was a good match even if we did lose by a point. That night we were heading out for a few drinks with Landers and Sara but Sara wasn't feeling too well so we postponed it. I still went to the Pig with Paula though and we met up with Ciara which was the first time in ages since that happened. We also went to the Forum too and it was actually a good night for once. This was the first time that Paula had been in the Forum since the finger incident. Paula then came home after it and stayed the night in our house. Andrea, who came home the day before, went out with Emma and decided to bring a few friends home. They stayed up all night, eventually going home at about one the next day.

Monday 29th December: I was working today from ten in the morning and I was really tired all day. Paula was also working and she had a doctors appointment so she had to head off very early in the morning.

Tuesday 30th December: Was working again today and it was really busy for the two days. Plus because I still wasn't feeling fully fit it was a really tiring day. I was glad when it was over!

Wednesday 31st December: Today we went to Blaney for a bit of bowling. It was Me, Dad, Daniel, Ryan and Ian. Daniel managed to win both rounds but I didn't do too bad considering it was the first time since the finger incident that I'd been bowling. That evening I went out to McKennas for drinks with Carlile, Marie, Landers and Sara. Paula also joined us before twelve to ring in the new year. It's hard to believe that its now 2009! We also went to the Forum after that and sat in the 'VIP' area for the night. I nearly would pay a bit extra to sit in there now as it was really relaxing and so unusual to get a seat in the night club. After the Forum we all went home. Paula left Carlile and Marie home and I stayed in Carliles house that night. Although it was about nine in the morning when we finally went to bed.

Thursday 1st January: So I woke up in Carliles at about four in the afternoon and got a lift home from Bob. I went straight to bed and watched a DVD, although I did fall asleep in the middle of it. After that I just recovered from the nice hangover and tried to fix my phone which is still trying to send some text messages from New Years Eve. The boys, Charlotte and Andrea all went home today too so the house is a bit empty now.

So that's everything since the last time that I updated. I'm still coughing a bit but I am feeling alot better. The agenda for the weekend is to go to Paula's aunt's house for dinner and then a few pints afterwards. Saturday there's no plans yet but we might go out for a few drinks. Sunday I might head to Dublin as we're going to the Mighty Boosh on Monday so that'll be good. I had thought of giving up this Blog as it'd been so long since I updated. Plus my PC is on the blink again so it's more difficult to get on the net these days. I think it's the power pack that's giving problems this time so it's just one more thing to be replaced.


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
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