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Tales of the Bounty Hunters

The Cake is a lie!!!

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My PC is finally fixed and is up and running again, good as new. The power supply arrived during the week and it wasn't too big a job putting it in. Thankfully it was the right type. So I can now get my finger out and actually get my photos up and maybe look for a proper job. I had a quick look online earlier and there still doesn't seem to be anything suitable. Thankfully I'm still getting a few hours in GAME so I'm alright for the time being.

So last Wednesday we went to the cinema to watch 'Yes Man' with Jim Carrey. It was quite funny and it at least passed the evening. We saw Seamie in the Pig too but we weren't really chatting to him. After that we went back to the house and watched a bit of the darts. Next morning Niamh decided to wake me up (well I was awake already but it's funnier this way). She came into the room and was a bit shy, left and said to her Granny "Pat's here!". "Oh right, what's he doing?". "Sleeping!". She's so cute!

I had to go to work that day but we had a nice surprise, head office actually sent us a box of sweets in our delivery. A bonus for our Christmas party probably would've been nicer but you take what you can get. I then gorged myself on refresher bars, sherbet and other lollies. I went to Football after work too and who knows how I managed to survive after eating all that crap. Friday wasn't that exciting as I was at work all day.

Saturday we both weren't in the mood for heading out so we decided to get a DVD instead. We watched "Don't mess with the Zohan" and it had Adam Sandler in it so you can imagine how good it was. The house was quiet that night too as Norah was up visiting for the night so everyone else went to Wrights for a few drinks. Sunday it was Niamh's Birthday and there was a party in Caroline's house for her. Paula was working so she picked me up after work and we headed out. The children then had us out playing pirates on the stairs. Basically this involved being captured and made to sit on the stairs for a while. Thankfully when we got tea we had an excuse not to be disturbed. Those were some long cups of tea! I have to say that it didn't bother me anyway. We then watched the darts final for the evening and I was home in time to see the highlights of Man United vs Chelsea.

The funniest part of that evening though was when Caroline was trying to get Niamh to get a picture taken with her Godparents but she wouldn't let go of me so I had to get a picture taken with her and Ciara first! On Monday I was back at work and also played football in Gortakeegan for the first time in a good while. Thursday night football is definitely the better night to play though, it's just more fun!

Anyway, on Tuesday night we went out for a few drinks as it was Adam's birthday. Paula came over to the house and I got ready then we went to the West to meet up with Adam. Shelly and Pamela came in soon afterwards and we had a bite to eat. It was a good night and we had a good few drinks while slagging off Paula for chatting up old men and Pamela for being a bit frantic about things. When Adam and I get together we really play off each other, we tend to have a similar sense of humour, which is fine for us but maybe not so good for others. Anyway Pamela and Shelly went home early but we stayed on for far too long and had one too many. I don't even remember the journey home.

Next day I went to work and I was as sick as a dog! I was pretty useless at work too and wasn't able to face any customers. A great day for me then. Thursday was a football day again and I have to say I played very well, I managed to score about five, I think, which is really unusual for me. I'm not striker material! We managed to win too but it's really all about having a bit of craic though.

Friday night it was Paula's cousin Mark's 21st so they were going out to the Pig for a few drinks. So I decided to tag along and it was a good night. The town was quiet though, even if Pauric did manage to make an appearance. Emma also was in the Pig with Wee Niamh who is heading off to Spain on Tuesday to repeat a few subjects. So we probably won't be seeing her for a few months. Paula then came back to the house and we sat up talking to Mum and Dad. Emma came home and was a bit worse for wear but she was quite funny coming in the door with her bag of chips.

Saturday Paula went home at about two and I didn't do a tap for the rest of the day. Adam was supposed to be going out for a few drinks but that was postponed for a while. It's Rock Band night on Friday so there will be a few drinks had that day! It's Shelly's birthday this Wednesday too but I doubt that she'll be going out. Sunday wasn't much different to Saturday in the house, the Masters Snooker final was on though so that was a bit of excitement. Also Joe and Eileen were down so we sat up talking to them for a while.

So that's the update for now. Hopefully I'll have my photos up soon and maybe I'll get a bit of progress on the job front. Oh yea, and I've bought the Orange Box, finally and I finished Portal the other night. It really is a brilliant game, even better than I expected it to be. I nearly finished it in one sitting but I eventually had to go to bed! It's on to Half Life: Episode Two now and then maybe Team Fortress 2! For now this is how Paula probably sees the Star Wars trilogy, well probably not even as good as this...

Star Wars: Retold (by someone who hasn't seen it) from Joe Nicolosi on Vimeo.


The Cake is a lie!!!
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