Not feeling great...
So I haven't been feeling well these past few days. On Wednesday I went to work as usual but I felt really crap, aches and pains and a bit flu like. I went home early as I was pretty useless at work and I went straight to bed. I think I woke up again around five in the afternoon and some of our neighbours were playing really loud music which didn't help at all. Mum found out as Daniel and Ian went into the shop looking for me. They were heading out bowling and they took me home after that.
I spent all day Thursday in bed, feeling sorry for myself. I wasn't even able to eat anything above a slice of toast that's how bad I felt. Thankfully Paula was keeping me occupied with all her text messages. Oh yea and little Zachary was born today. He's so small and cute! Friday I did manage to get out of bed for most of the day and Paula did come over for a visit. I still felt quite bad and I didn't want Paula catching anything so we kinda kept our distance.
I still wasn't well by Saturday so we went to the doctors and he said that it was just a bad stomach virus that I picked up and there wasn't much that could be done about it only keep drinking fluids and rest. I did go back to the flat and Paula came over as she was getting ready for Nicola Sherry's 21st party. I sat around the flat all day Sunday too, Mum and Dad headed off on their holidays so there was no Sunday dinner. Paula came over too after work and she got me a few bits of food for the flat. I still hadn't eaten anything substantial by this stage either. We hung around the flat for the evening then.
Today I've felt a lot better. I was supposed to go back to work but I'm taking another day to be sure. I even managed to have some breakfast today so that's a big improvement. Paula should be coming over this evening too to watch 'Role Models', I might even make some popcorn!