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Tales of the Bounty Hunters

A quiet weekend but a Great Wednesday!

TotBHFormula 1Champions LeagueFootball

So Tuesday it was back to work and thankfully it was a quiet week. Wednesday there was only the United and Wolfsburg match to watch which was a good result and on Thursday there was football. I was quite annoyed after the match though because I really ran my ass off and still didn't manage to win. It was close though!

Friday the girls were home from Dublin for the weekend so I went home to say hello to them. We had a Chinese for dinner and then went to vote in the Lisbon Treaty. I think we also played a bit of Mario Kart on the DS which was good fun. I was still at home on Saturday and I slept in my own bed for the first time since July when I was sick. I didn't do much at home but Paula did come over for a while and it was really good to see her. We haven't had much of a chance to see each other since she was back in college. On Sunday I got up at half six to watch the Japanese Grand Prix and it really looks like Button has it in the bag despite Vettel's good drive, feck! I went back to bed after that but got up again for dinner. I headed back to the flat after the pancakes.

So another week rolls by and it was the usual work and football on Monday (this time with a win) but we did get to play a bit more of Halo 3 co-op. We managed to finish the fight on Tuesday too so it's on to Halo ODST now. On Wednesday Paula had finished up in college early so she came over to the flat and we had some chicken supreme for dinner. It was really good to get to spend a bit of time together too. We then went out to her house to watch Office Space on DVD that I had bought for €5 in Tesco. She left me back into town on this morning and I headed back to bed for a while as I'm not working today. Instead I've done a bit of shopping and had a good look at the new Ireland rugby jersey out today. Maybe when I save up some money....


A quiet weekend but a Great Wednesday!
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