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Tales of the Bounty Hunters

Modern Warfare's and one disapppointing result

TotBHRugbyWorld Cup QualifiersWorkAutumn InternationalsFootballGaming

On Monday I wasn't working until five in the evening as we were preparing for the Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 release at midnight. I was just basically putting up POS and generally tidying. About fifty people turned up to get their copy that night and it was really weird to see that many people in the shop at the one time. I eventually got finished up at about half twelve but I was working again in the morning and was really tired.

On Wednesday I was working again but Paula did come over to the shop and we went looking for a present for baby Layla. We got a little dress for her and we went out to Johnny's for a while and we played darts with Stephen. Thursday I was working again and also played football.

Friday we went to Paula's grandparents anniversary mass in Corracrin and we headed out to Ted and Eileen's for tea afterwards. Adam got stuck playing with all the kids and James had a few fireworks that he set off. We had heard of Ted's bad news earlier in the week but thankfully everyone was in good spirits. I headed back to Paula's house that night.

On Saturday it was Emer's last day at work so we all met up at work and gave her a cake and her presents. I had been down in the bookies for a while and got Paula some lunch and went back down when they closed. We then headed to the West to watch the Ireland and France match and it was very disappointing. Elaine picked me up after it and we headed to Wrights for a few drinks. There was some strange Thai girl in the bar too but we headed home early enough and chatted on the couch.

Paula left me back to the flat in the morning, I didn't feel that well but I managed to sleep it off. I then headed home to watch the Ireland and Australia rugby match and that was a good result. I called Paula to chat that evening to hopefully get a proper chat about things. Today I was working in the evening and it was really boring although I did spend all day getting the Christmas POS up. There was football this evening too and again I gave Paula a call to see how she was doing.


Modern Warfare's and one disapppointing result
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