Where's the Internet gone?
Star WarsTotBHBirthdayClone WarsCinemaFootballSwimming
On Tuesday I was working in the morning and it was quiet again. Paula came over to the flat after college and we had some lunch in the flat and got ink and a fan heater for her dad. We went to the pool in the evening and had a bit of a splash and a session in the steam room. It's the first time I'd been swimming since Sydney! I got some dinner in Tesco and Paula headed home after that. I also finished watching the first season of The Clone Wars and it was quite good. Hopefully the second season will be even better though.
I was in again for work on Wednesday morning although I couldn't find my keys at all! I was a bit late but so was Paul so it was OK. Also the broadband was knocked out for Cavan/Monaghan so we couldn't do much in work either! When I got home I started tidying my room because I was bored. Thankfully Paula also came over in the evening. She had been looking after Ciara, Niamh and James earlier in the day but she got on fine. We then headed to the Cinema to see "Sherlock Holmes" and it was excellent! We also got to see Liverpool get knocked out of the cup so it was a good day!
This morning I was back to the chiropractor and it's definitely getting better. I have to go back in two weeks though as it's still a bit sore. I filled my time by watching "The Inbetweeners" and finished tidying my room. The Internet finally came back on by about three and I have to work at five. It's Adam's Birthday though and he's back from Dublin today, oh and spaghetti day too!