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Tales of the Bounty Hunters

Another bad match and a soaking!

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On Friday we went with Ciara and Elaine to Armagh to see Toy Story 3. Adam and his family were there too and I have to say it was one of the best films I've seen in a long time never mind a great animated film. We came back to town and had a few chips and headed to the Poc to a Led Zeppelin tribute band. There wasn't a great crowd and the band were OK. Paula didn't feel well either so we called it a night.

On Saturday we got up early and went to cut the grass at home but it was still too wet. So we came back to Paulas house and had breakfast and then headed down to the match. Paula, Ciara and I were on the Cusack stand quite near the pitch and everyone else was on the opposite side. Monaghan lost quite badly and we left halfway through the Dublin match. We eventually got back to the house, had a shower and watched the IT crowd. We also had to help those who went to Westport to find their accommodation as the map was completely wrong.

So I wasn't up too early on Sunday and we lazed around the house. We did go for a walk and played a bit of the Sims. Mum and Dad were back from Majorca so I headed home to see them and for dinner. Count Marzo had arrived and they got me a pair of shorts and a Mr Bean toy.

I was working on Monday evening but I spent most of the time trying to fix Pauls computer. Paula came over to the flat too and we decided to go for a walk. There was no football as a lot of our players were actually in Westport. It had started spitting when we left but it wasn't too bad. Of course by the time we got back we were soaked. I had to have a shower and Paula eventually had to leave in some of my clothes.

King Grayskull

I wasn't up too early today and I've been reading up on the MOTUC figures from SDCC. I have to say I'm a bit disappointed this year as there's nothing that I'm really excited about. Although November will be an expensive month with Buzz-Off, Palace Guards and King Grayskull re-issue all out on the same day! I'm going to apply for the 2011 subscription today too.

I'm also heading out to Paulas house later for dinner. I'm making spaghetti for everyone so I'm going to make it here and bring it out with me.


Another bad match and a soaking!
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