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Tales of the Bounty Hunters

A wasted day? Not really

Star WarsTotBHWebsite

Sunny Farm

I'm back in work today but yesterday was a bit of a waste of a day. I sat up until around six in the morning completing the Sunny Farm website in PHP and in JavaScript (which can be found online at my portfolio site). Of course this meant that I didn't bother getting up until three in the afternoon. So I did some shopping and made spaghetti sauce for dinner and Paula came over after work and we went for a swim.

We had dinner when we got back and watched Adam play Syphon Filter and Spyro. We also watched a few more episodes of the IT crowd. So now I'm not that tired though I should really go to bed. I've been looking to see if I can get Episode III on VHS tonight too as it's the only one that I need to get to complete the VHS collection. So if anyone is feeling generous...

We're heading to see Ted and Eileen later today too as they're in Monaghan for a few days also can't wait for our Sligo trip this weekend! It's going to be good to get away from everything for a while!


A wasted day? Not really
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