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Tales of the Bounty Hunters

The First Charity Run


Saturday: Paula was heading down to Dublin for a night out with her cousins. She wasn’t feeling great in the morning but we went for a walk and that helped. She then left me out home and I spent the day tidying my room up.

Sunday: I didn’t rise too early and Paula came over to the house after coming back from Dublin. She still wasn’t feeling great but she did stay for dinner and stayed around the house for a while.

Monday: Today was Pauls last day in the Monaghan shop. It was a bit sad. I was working from 1 to 6 and Paula collected me from work. We played football in the evening and my team lost by a good bit in the end.

Tuesday: I was working from 1 to 6 and headed out to Paulas for Thai Sweet Chilli stir-fry. We finished the crossword and a few theory tests and went for a walk around the track.

Wednesday: I wasn’t working today and spent most of my time looking for electrical things to throw out. Paula picked me up and we went on a charity walk/run for Aware in Emyvale. I did 18 laps of the field before I got a blister and had to stop. The rest only did one more lap though. After that it was back to the house for a shower and a hot chocolate. 20:10 20/10/2010 was the start time.

Thursday: I was very tired getting up in the morning. We got our Christmas POS in work too, it comes earlier every year. Paula brought me and Adam out to her house so that Gerard could give us a lift to football. My team eventually won by four after being seven down at one stage. Paula went to visit Ciara in town and brought my shoes home to me.

Friday: I was working until five today and I bought the new Professor Layton. Paula picked me up and we headed to her house. We went for a walk and Gerard headed to play poker with his mates. We sat and watched TV for a while and then decided to head to Flemings to buy a DVD/VHS player. Unfortunately even though they said it was a midnight sale, they were closed by five passed eleven.


The First Charity Run
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