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Tales of the Bounty Hunters

Becky's Graduation and Table Quiz

DublinStar WarsTotBHRugbyNFLRunningWorkGraduationTable QuizFootball

Saturday: I had to get up early to head to Dublin for Beckys Graduation. We weren’t all meeting up until seven that evening so we walked around town for a while. I bought a few Star Wars books and we watched a bit of the Ireland v South Africa match. We then went to dinner in Bleu restaurant on Dawson St which was very nice. We then headed home and went straight to bed.

Sunday: I didn’t get up until half three in the afternoon. I watched the end of the Brazil Grand Prix and talked to Paula on the phone. I watched NFL on TV that night and then went to bed.

Monday: I was working in the evening until half six and Paula picked me up. I went to play football and got a lift home with Emma as she was working until nine. Monaghan United lost in their play-off match and I had to go back to work for eleven for the midnight opening of Call of Duty: Black Ops. It was very busy, we had roughly 100 people in. Mum picked me up around half one in the morning.

Tuesday: I was back up for work at nine and it was very busy all day. There were lots of people looking for CoD but thankfully there were no arguments about Hardened editions or Prestige editions this year. I was very tired when I got back to Paulas house so we chilled for the evening. She was a bit annoyed about work so I talked to her for a while and helped her with her career choices. She thinks she might want to be a teacher.

Wednesday: It was Kinect release day although it was fairly quiet, there were still a good few people in for CoD though. I was finished at two so I got a lift home with Mum who had a dental appointment at half three. Paula picked me up from home and we went jogging in Emyvale.

Thursday: It was very windy today and we couldn’t get enough players for football. I tried to persuade Paula to come over but no luck. It was just too windy to be travelling. Emma washed the walls in the living room instead and I sat and did the crossword.

Friday: I was working until six and got a lift from Paula to her house. She had dinner mostly made and we headed to a table quiz in Red Boys in Emyvale. It was for the jolly joggers, fund-raising for the New Year 10k walk. We came third in the quiz and Emma won a bottle of vodka in the raffle with my ticket. We left Emma home and headed back to Paulas house.


Becky's Graduation and Table Quiz
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