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Tales of the Bounty Hunters


Star WarsOld Blog

Woohoo! Got my Star Wars Trilogy DVD set on Friday! It cost €55 in Xtra-Vision which was all right, I was expecting it to be a bit more expensive than that. I haven't managed to go through it all yet but I have watched 'A New Hope' and 'The Empire Strikes Back' along with the Episode III preview and a few of the features. So I've yet to see 'Return of the Jedi' and the 'Empire of Dreams' feature. I love the changes that have been made as well. As my good friend Palps says, they only enhance the movie. There is still a lot of changes that can be made though. Some of the effects are still not great like Luke's saber on the Millennium Falcon and some of the TIE Fighter 'boxes' but they're only minor gripes. The change that most impressed me was the new Jabba in 'A New Hope', some were saying that it still looks rubbish but I was really impressed. It now actually looks as if Jabba is there and the stepping on tail 'joke' is a lot better. You can actually look at the scene now without cringing.

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