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Tales of the Bounty Hunters


Star WarsOld BlogWork

So I've watched just about everything on the Star Wars trilogy DVD set and I have to say that I'm thoroughly impressed. Even the Rancor scene looks good. Also, listening to the commentary I now realise why George Lucas directed the three prequels. When he was making 'Return of the Jedi' the director Richard Marquand had great difficulty with all the special effects that were in the movie and George had to reassure him throughout. So rather than go through that again he decided to do it himself. It does mean that we don't have a director that can direct people that well but I guess it's up to the actors to make the most of it.

Still no word from GAME and I'm beginning to think that they didn't get my e-mail. I'll probably have to post off my CV tomorrow because it's looking likely that they'll open up within the next few weeks and I'd really like to get the job.

There's a new section which, originally enough, is called 'contact me' basically it's a page with my e-mail address on it but if you do e-mail me then I might post your message up to that page. That's if I deem it worthy to be on my site.

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