So where have I been?
MonaghanBallymenaTotBHNights OutBlues Festival
Well it's been nearly two weeks since I've updated and I'm sure you're wondering where I've been well let me tell you. Wednesday two weeks ago (this was the 27th of August by the way) Emma and I went down to Dublin to collect our nephew Ryan from the boat. So after we walked around town for a while, and bought loads of Star Wars novels, we decided to walk, yes walk, out to the port. So that took ages but we did eventually get Ryan and made our way back home. No big deal.
So Friday came around and I decided to head out to meet up with Pamela, Johnny and Shelly in the Pig. I also got to see the last few minutes of the European Super Cup. United lost to Zenit but never mind. So we stayed in the Pig for a good while, drinking just inside the door and having the craic. Then Shelly and Pamela left and someone had the great idea to go to the Forum to continue drinking. That was fine and we met up with Paula and Ciara. So we had a bit more craic in the Forum even if some guy did try to start a fight. When we left we were walking back to the car past the YWCA when someone else had the great idea that it should be the YMCA instead. So up I went to try and move the sign but it didn't budge. When I came down though I managed to cut two of my fingers on the sign. So off to A & E we went, me bleeding all over the front seat. Few stitches and a bandage later and it was back home. It was five in the morning by this stage though!
So Saturday went out again and met with Paula, Pamela, Johnny and Ciara in the pig. I wasn't drinking as I was taking some painkillers but it was still a good night especially when we were embarrassing Pamela and her new object of affection, Mark N.
On to Tuesday and I headed up to the hospital again to get my dressing changed. No major worries although I did nearly take a turn when they finally took the bandage off. I find that when I'm worried about going to the doctors that nothing happens and when I'm not nervous at all, I decide to take a turn.
Not much else happened after that although I was finally able to take my dressing off on Thursday. It goes without saying that I wasn't able to play football for the last while either!
Friday (this now being the 5th of September) Gavin, Sorcha and Paul were down for the Monaghan Blues festival so we met up with them in the Poc. It was a good night and it was really good to hear a bit of live music for a change. We then went to McKenna's to finish off the night.
Saturday Mum, Dad, Emma and I went up to Ballymena for Maire's going away party. She's heading on a half-way around the world trip starting at the end of September. So there was an Australian theme to the party. They cleared out the big shed and decorated it with a few Aussie things. There was a barbecue and lots of drink, including VB! It was great fun catching up with a few of the cousins, especially as this would've been the first time I'd seen a lot of them in a few years. I'm really looking forward to this wedding in two weeks time now. We didn't stay in Ballymena and we eventually got home at about five in the morning.
So finally we get around to Sunday. Again I met up with Gavin, Sorcha and Paul in Seamies where we listened to quite a good band. Nice bit of rock anyway. Later on Paula and Ciara joined us for a few drinks. After recounting the YWCA event of the previous week we decided to head down to the Marquee to watch the band there. I couldn't tell you what they were called but it was quite good. It'll definitely make me think about going to the Blues festival next year if I can. After that finished we ended up back in Seamie's for a night cap or two. All in all a good weekend. There's nothing planned for next weekend but you never know what will happen.