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Tales of the Bounty Hunters

The end of the world...

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So they started up the LHC the other day and we're still here. Of course they're not starting the "really dangerous" stuff for another few weeks so keep your fingers and toes crossed. If it is the end of the world I doubt we'll realise it though. Ah well, found this funny on the net and thought I'd share. Large Hadron Collider

Not much else to report, went to the cinema with Paula on Saturday to see 'Pineapple Express'. It's not too bad, gets a bit silly near the end. It's not a patch on 'Knocked Up' or 'Superbad' though. Also went to McKenna's afterwards but only had a pint as they were closing.

Saw 'Bring Back Star Wars' on Channel 4 yesterday. It was a good laugh but it was a shame that they couldn't get a few more people to turn up. Plus it was really interesting to hear that Anthony Daniels and Kenny Baker don't get on. You always imagine that actors on the set would just automatically get on, especially if they'd done a few movies together.

Heading back to the hospital today to get the fingers looked at again. The cuts are healing up but there's still very little movement in my middle finger, especially at the tip so I hope they'll tell me that it's just swollen or something and that it's not permanent.

Oh and this is what I'll be getting Landers for Christmas, a lovely t-shirt.


The end of the world...
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