Six weeks???
So I went to the hospital on Monday for my check up and to maybe find out why I couldn't get any movement in my finger. So I thought it might only be badly bruised or swollen and that's why I couldn't get it moving. Well apparently not. As it turns out I managed to cut a tendon attached to the tip of my right middle finger and if it wasn't repaired then I would never have movement in it again. So Tuesday we went down to St James' Hospital in Dublin to get it checked out there. A couple of hours later I was sitting in a ward waiting to go into an operating theatre. At this stage they were unsure if it could be repaired. They could've had to put in a tube to keep the tendon line open and then graft another tendon on a few months later. That would've been a disaster.
So I was put under and they finished the operation. I woke up in the recovery area a bit disorientated and with a heavy splint on my arm. The doctor came around to my ward a few hours later and told me that they managed to repair the tendon so I wouldn't have to get a graft done. I pretty much drifted in and out of sleep that evening. Edel and Mum did come to visit but I don't think I was in the best mood to be talking to them.
Yesterday I woke up quite early and the doctor came around again and said that I'd be able to head home. So I got a new dressing, a new lighter splint and we headed home. I did manage to get a shirt and tie for this wedding on Friday so that's one thing less to worry about. I have to go back next week to get the stitches out and I have to go back two more times for physio. Hopefully the hand will be back to normal after all that.
It's still quite stiff and sore but it should get better after a few days, also it's fairly annoying having to do everything with your left hand. I'll have to get used to it over the next six weeks. Well I learned my lesson anyway.