Computers, dinner, more computers and hospitals
TotBHNights OutHospitalComputersNights In
So back down in Dublin tonight for my Physio appointment tomorrow. This should be my second last trip to St James' Hospital as I don't plan on doing anything as stupid as that again. There's been some good progress on it too. All the scabs have come off and it's looking quite clean. Even the scar doesn't look that big, though it is still quite swollen. It should all go well hopefully. I've also been trying to help Becky set up her new laptop. Getting the internet to work was a bit of a struggle but file and printer sharing still eludes me. Mostly it's down to Vista and how it doesn't want to play ball. Well that's my excuse anyway.
As I said in a previous post I was down in Athlone this week to help my aunt with her computer. She's actually trying to set up a site for her lesson plans that she's done so I might have to help her with a few other things but we'll see. I came down to Dublin on Friday to install the new RAM in the computer in the flat and that went off without a hitch. The computer is running great now. I also went down town on Saturday and bought myself a couple of pairs of jeans.
Back down to Monaghan on Saturday and went to Adams flat to get ready to go out. We were heading to dinner with the McGonnells in the place beside the Montie. Everyone was there except Pauric and the food was great. I've also started to use my hand more when I eat. After the meal we went to the West for a few drinks, not before losing everyone in the crowd though. We eventually found the gang on the bottom floor and that's where we stayed for the night. Everyone was trying, unsuccessfully, to scare me about meeting Paulas dad.
On Sunday I did eventually head over to Paulas house to watch a DVD. Her dad was there but the expected barrage of slagging or comments never materialised, much to Paulas disgust. We didn't end up watching the DVD after all, instead choosing to watch Peter Kays new show, "Britain's got the Pop Factor...". Funny stuff. No plans for next weekend, though I might head out with Adam on Tuesday for a few scoops. Well it'll be Tuesday or Wednesday. And we keep saying that we need to have another Rock Band night!!! Can't wait, especially if it's in about two weeks time when the splint should be off!