It was put on the fridge - Part 2
Yes it's time for the second part of our series on phrases that were put on the fridge. And again this also gives me the opportunity to let you know that I have now completed all the old posts in my Australian blog for October, November and December and I'll soon be starting on the 2008 entries.. Also the hospital appointment that I had on Tuesday went well and 'The Claw' will be officially off on the 29th of October, exactly two months since the incident. So on to the phrase...
This is the first in a trio of Eddie Izzard phrases that were put on the fridge. I can't remember which video it came from or even if it's an accurate quote but it was from one of Eddies shows where he started talking French. So we started saying it around the house. This and it's accompanying answer which I will post at a later date. It of course means 'where is my dog?' and it was on the fridge on the 24th of January 2008. I couldn't find the exact quote on YouTube but here's some other French from Eddie.
Je dois partir maintenant par ce qu ma grand-mère est flambée.