Back to Letterkenny
LetterkennyTotBHDVDRugbyNights OutSix Nations
Finally we organised our trip up to Letterkenny. We had planned to head up earlier in the year but a few things got in our way that time. I had stayed in Paulas house the night before and we were eating breakfast when we heard that the Six Nations trophy would be in the credit union. So we finished up quick and went into town, picking up Adam along the way. We got a few photos taken with the trophies and we then drove up to Letterkenny.
We walked around town for a bit and I showed Paula the pink apartments and a few other places that we used to go drinking in. I bought a knee support and we went to Mr Chippie for dinner, ah happy memories. We then headed up to Brian and Marie's house and hung out for a while. That night we went out for a few drinks in the Central, Cottage, McGinleys, Downtown and Voodoo. It was quite a drunken night but very enjoyable. I even met up with Declan from college and I especially liked the crotch shot from McGinleys!
On Saturday we got up and went down town again to get a few things. We headed out to meet an ex-banking friend of Paulas and by the time we got back Landers and Sara had landed. We then had pizza and headed out on the town. We tried to get in to the Grill first but it was closed so we headed to the Central. The band were good but the guys shoving into us weren't so we didn't stay there long. We managed to get in to the Grill after that and the Oceans bar was actually very nice. A bit of a change from Bella's anyway! Plus there was a bit of a Saturday Night Fever going on, too bad he couldn't dance like John Travolta! We headed to the Pulse after that and even though we had a few problems with getting in (is that a fur-ball I have?) we still had a good night. We actually met up with Reynolds upstairs and I showed Paula downstairs where I spent every Thursday night! We headed home after that, stolen glasses in bags, and had a few more drinks in the house.
Sunday nobody got up too early but Marie had a fry ready for us as we watched the Kerry and Meath match. We went for a walk after that and I showed Paula where I used to live in first and second year. Well Ashlawn hasn't changed much in about seven years! We headed home after that, McDaids Football Special in hand, and headed back to the flat. We went for a Montie and went out to Paulas house. Monday Paula was working so we headed back into town, I was working at one but don't think I really did much. There was football that evening but like last week I think I was a bit tired. But it was really a great weekend and we hope to do it again sometime soon.